Listen to our new podcasts in association with Your Harrogate

Jun 6, 2023 • June is men’s health month and in this episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic Podcast, Dr Jason O’Connor discusses how chiropractic care can go a long way to helping men and their families, keep on track with their health. The biggest killer for men under 50 is suicide and the for… May 9, 2023 • We're back with another episode of the O'Connor Chiropractic Podcast with family chiropractor Dr Jason O'Connor. This month, Dr Jason discusses the pitfalls of buying the wrong type of supplements, or poor quality ones. Modern farming has drastically affected the quality, in some cases, of our everyday foods and so… Apr 5, 2023 • In this episode of the O'Connor Chiropractic podcast, Dr Jason details the difference between Chiropractic care, physiotherapy and osteopathy. In some cases, there are similarities, but how O’Connor Chiropractic is set up, a patient could go for their initial consultation and Jason and the team would then advise what course… Mar 1, 2023 • Dr Jason O’Connor is back with another episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic Podcast – and today we’re stripping it back and talking about how your chiropractic journey would look should you become a patient. O’Connor Chiropractic is a family wellness centre in Harrogate and their initial exam is unique in… Feb 1, 2023 • In this episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic Podcast, our focus shifts to the elderly and how chiropractic care can help with common issues experienced during old age. Dr Jason O’Connor talks adjusting patients who are suffering with osteoarthritis or osteoporosis and discusses slowing down the process. We also talk about… Dec 29, 2022 • In this episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic Podcast, we’re back with Dr Jason talking about all things back pain. We’re finding out about the root cause of lower back pain and why it might occur – oftentimes because of underlying issues rather than just one incident when gardening or getting… Nov 25, 2022 • Why do we tend to get sick at this time of year? Believe it or not, it’s not the climate… Dr Jason O’Connor from O’Connor Chiropractic tells us all about how a change of habits as we get towards the festive season are causing illnesses, and how this ties in… Oct 31, 2022 • Just how important is sleep when it comes to your overall health? Dr Jason O’Connor is talking sleeping positions, mattresses, pillows and just how much it can affect your sleep. We’re also delving into how sleep ties into headaches, migraines, low libido, digestion, stress and talking bad habits around bed… Sep 30, 2022 • In this episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic Podcast, we’re catching up with Dr Jason O’Connor to discuss working from home and how stress and headaches can arise from unhealthy habits. In a world where more and more people are hunched over a laptop when working from home, Dr Jason delves… Aug 25, 2022 • In the first episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic Podcast, we’re chatting to Dr Jason O’Connor about ‘back to school’ and chiropractic care in children. What size and weight of backpacks should children be carrying to school? Is technology causing ‘tech neck’ and will issues arise in later life for this…
Episode 10 - Men's Health
Episode 9 - Supplementation
Episode 8 - Chiro, Physio and Osteopathy
Episode 7 - Your chiropractic journey
Episode 6 – Chiropractic care in the elderly
Episode 5 – Lower Back Pain
Episode 4 - The Immune System
Episode 3 - Sleep and stress
Episode 2 - Stress, headaches and working from home
Episode 1 - Back to School